Sunday, May 30, 2010


sorry for being away for a long time. haven't found the time to actualy sit and blog. so hope everyone is doin well :)

college has been fine so far. going into my 3rd week tmrw. lectures rocks. tutorial classes...errr...not so. being in group E1, i've been seperated frm the active ones. E1 classmates are very quiet. its hard to say anything in class without everyone hearing it lol. i might change to E4 cause a coursemate wants to change to E1 cause of transportation. but the bad part about that is i already proposed my idea to my assignment groupmates in E1. sigh.

but everything else is good ( except the assignments ><). went out with some coursemates on Saturday after practical class. Played guitar, sang, arcade,bowling :) hope to have more of these gathering haha.

Oh yea, had fun with Wesha,Madeline and Ah Yao last night haha. they came down to Kepong, so we went out to Moe Do Cafe for dinner, then to Wai Sek Kai (in cantonsese) for Sai Mai Lo (ice dessert..i think) haha. and after that to DPC for a walk in the park. and true enough they love the place haha. so the next time, DBC1 ! all come Kepong we go DPC :DDD

wished i had more things to blog about. so dead la this blog :( i'll certainly try to find something interesting to blog about...when i DO find it haha.

so yea....goodbye for now. ciao.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hey sexy girl from kuala-la-la lumpur :) (What You Waiting For - Mizz Nina feat.Colby O'Donis)

now this is how Malaysia's music will bloom :) If Mizz Nina from Malaysia can do this, why can't any other Malaysian artiste? :)


Friday, May 14, 2010

college through my eyes (so far)

hey people, hope that all is well. things are okay for now...lots more to come haha.

and yeap, i have officially started college! Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman or TARC as it is widely known. its quite a good one i must say. First thing about the college is that! lots of buildings, ample parking space, an Olympic size swimming pool, a football field, damn alot of courts....a proper college campus la :D

the students are quite friendly too. though most of them come from a chinese background, coping with them is still okay, not that bad la haha. oh yea, the course im taking up there is Diploma in Mass Communication (Broadcast Communication). yea basically doing what i'm interested in haha. hope it works out.

last Monday was the Mass Call, where they gather us for briefing and stuffs like that in the main hall. and when we gathered in our courses, my first impression on the other Broadcasting students energy, no enthusiasm. "Do they know what to expect from broadcasting?" BUT...

on Tuesday, broadcast students were gathered in a lecture hall for briefing by out seniors. and we had to introduce ourselves 1 by 1. and to my surprise, there was energy haha! guess i can never judge too quick. turns out everyone is just as active as i thought. and yea i made a few new friends. Ivan Leow, Wendi, Tina, Murali, Joash....just to name a few. oh and we were also there to choose our new comittee. the posts were:

Course Rep (leader)
Asst. Course Rep
Printing Manager
Sports Manager

and i got....................Sports Manager xD! the easiest post available hahah! don't have to do much. only when sports carnival is nearing. luckehhh :D

Wednesday came..nothing much. had my ID card made. Lined up for almost 3 hours -_- crazy long line lol. and registered for the music club too since it was Society Day.

and on Thurdays (yesterday), we had 2 workshop sessions. 1 is about tertiary studies and the other is about study skills. it was okay. broadcast students were very noisy lol. and i think we were abit TOO noisy. could see that some students were annoyed. so chill out la guys lol. control sikit......especially u MURALI! xD!

other than that, nothing much. might go tmrw, but on my own pace. not rushing for 9 o clock or something. maybe get the Library Induction stuff done. and....thats about it haha. Í'll update more next time, till then, bye!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

of all times.

this is got to be the worst time to be in a bad mood. college is about to start on Monday and here I face dramatic emotional situations and jerks to top it all off. wish this feeling would go away by tomorrow. i don't wanna go to college on my 1st day being moody and giving people the impression i'm a stuck-up, anti-social person.

and sometimes some people are just real stupid. they go hating people,commenting on them,whatever they can do to discriminate them. Hence, they are known as "haters". i really don't see why people tend to go "anti-ing" other people and hate and stuff. Try asking haters this, "Why do you hate (inserts name)? " "Because he/she sucks". What makes you think you don't suck as well for hating people?

A good example that i can say would be Justin Bieber. Yes, Justin Bieber. The recent 16 year old who turned popular out of a sudden. He's got plenty of fans and haters as well. And most of those haters would start "anti-groups"on Facebook, condemn his videos on Youtube and so on. and the words they always use are " His voice sucks!" "He's gay" "He's a kid" and so on. The word "gay" is used for 2 different meanings. some use "gay" as the words speaks...homosexual. the other meaning of "gay" when used in discriminating people is to plainly tell the person "you suck".

Okay so what's the point here? You say he's gay. You saw him hook up with a guy? You say his singing sucks. Can YOU even sing? You plainly don't like his music. Then don't listen to it! Is it that hard? I'll honestly say it here, I'm not a big fan of JB too. I don't download all his songs. I'm neutral. The thing I want to know is WHY HATE? if he's ever offended you or done something to you then fine go ahead and hate. its stupid that he doesn't even know everyone around the world and half the world is hating him. What gives seriously.

JB is just an example. i'm talking about this on a wider scale for more people who have haters. I won't lie, I know i have haters too. but yes i realise why i am like right now. sometimes when i talk, i'm annoying. i speak without thinking sometimes. i try too hard sometimes to be friends with people. that's how i am today. i'm pretty sure thats why i'm always the laughing stock or tease target. the only thing i CAN do is endure it. yea i can be lame sometimes. so what? me being lame affects you? will being lame hurt you physically or mentally? no right? then wtf you care?

but now i have another chance which is college. hopefully it isn't the same as high school. so effing sick of this. and to all the haters, i have something for you to see.
f*ck people who anti others
f*ck sarcastic bastards
f*ck haters

hell yeah.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hey soul sister (cover)

my 3rd cover :D. kinda screwed up, but i was bored haha! enjoy.



*click picture to enlarge*

now this is epic :D ( check out his special symbol "OlO" ) LOL!


Monday, May 3, 2010

awesome clothes xD!

hey people, how are ya doing? hope you guys are fine :D life has been the same old except that in a week's time...COLLEGE HERE I COME!!! XD!!!!

kinda excited haha! finally gonna be out meeting people again! wish me luck dapat kawan baik :D!

i've been viewing many blogs and i came across one that shows creative clothings :D! wished they were available in malaysia haha! here's a few of em!

For the people who don't have an iPod :D

For the musicians :D

For the zombie lovers :D! and girls who like to flash xD! awesome shirt!

It gets naughty from here :O

iPhone and iPod users xD!

I saved the best for last =DDDDD


enjoy LOL!
