Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i bet most people would have given up reading this blog cause its as dead as it gets. but anyway, i'm just here to update a lil bit. sorry for the hiatus, cause i'm either busy, lazy or....lazy.

ever since my final assignment and presentation, i've been slacking a bit too much :/ finals starting this Wednesday and i'm just about to read my notes. lots of catching up to do. wish me luck.

oh and i've been driving to college these days, without notice of my parents. they think that i'm driving to Kepong KTM everyday to take the train to college. but screw that, i just told my mom just now. and my parents want to have a word with me later. probably about this. college survival 101 - never share anything with your parents. efff.

lets talk about something else. err...okay. lots of stuff have happened since i last updated this blog lol. most of em happened in college. lots to tell, but i don't think i can remember them all haha. i'll blog about it again if i can remember :)

and a shout-out to my favourite lecturers and tutors :) Ms Kik, my Electronic Media tutor and Ms.Chai, my IT lecturer/tutor. thank you both so much for the guidance :) i promise to ace your subjects :D!

i met a lot of nice and interesting people since i started college :) both from my course and other courses. to be honest, TARC is awesome. the people are awesome. the place is awesome. the food is awesome. AWESOMELY nice and CHEAP! i think i made the right choice coming here. savadee :D

anyways, i think i should be off. notes to memorize, parents to face. i'll get through, shouldn't be that hard. see you good people soon :)


1 comment:

ŠKēÍðÑ said...

Oh well, I'm still reading.. xD