Wednesday, September 15, 2010

semester break = laziness

the title speaks says it all. i've been super lazy this semester break xD even slept at 4 a.m. and waking up at 6.45 p.m. xD! that's how extremely lazy i am hahah! the only thing i've been doing is :

go toilet
play guitar
take photos.

lifeless giler hahaha. but yea im enjoying my break. i know semester 2 is gonna be so much more stressful. so must enjoy to the max for now lah!

didn't really go out for trips or hangouts during this break. didn't see my course mates for a few weeks already lol. i'm into my second week of break now, lets hope there's something on. only the other day i went back to school to take some pictures of the T.L Taekwondo Championship. other than that...i injured my finger? lol.

oh yes, my photoblog has also been updated, FINALLY XD! check it out at :)

oh and be sure to read my previous post if you haven't! READ and HELP OUT! SUPPORT PLEASE :D thank you again awesome people!



Unknown said...

LOL! u never take bath? =p

k.ienlam said...

go toilet = do everything. xD including wash toilet. hahaha